Unknown Subject

New site for Unsub.ca | 12/05/12

This site is for nothing in particular. Kind of digital flotsam.

Skull and Shark

unsub | 10/24/13

Just want to say, I fucking LOVE this:

Bandcamp page for Lazerhalk: L /\ Z E R H /\ \/\/ K

A review by Bandcamp user `Redanimator` sums it up well:

Always wanted your life to be like an 80's movie? Get one step closer to your dreams by providing that life with a soundtrack by Lazerhawk... Driving at night becomes a thrilling drug hazed sprint through the Hollywood Hills, washing the dishes becomes science, working out at the gym becomes a training montage! Lazerhawk makes your life better & makes every other artist seem worse. Favorite track: A Promise
My fav track so far, I think, is "The King of the Streets".

I wonder if Netflix has episodes of `Knightrider`?

Do Electric Sheep dream of Robots?

Some Music I Made | 01/22/13

I made this song a long time ago, but I think it's worth posting anyway. Nobody has heard it, really.

I have made lots of other music too, but mostly it kicks around my hard drive for a few years and then I delete it.
This has, so far, escaped being deleted or misplaced. Lucky you...

Fear and Loathing in Late-Stage Democracy

unsub | 02/20/20

I`m really not sure how many minds have been actually changed by a shame- campaign on Social Media. It seems far more likely that a person would, in panic and desperation, retreat into false contrition in an attempt to salvage a career or a reputation - even if the target doesn`t actually understand what the lesson is. I suspect that that would be my reaction too. Panic and desperation are enemies of rational thought, and yet rational thought is what these lessons that we wish to teach require if they are to be truly internalised.